1 module Dgame.Window.GLContextSettings;
3 /**
4  * The GLContextSettings structure defines a way to tell OpenGL important user settings,
5  * like the desired major / minor version or the anti aliasing level.
6  *
7  * Note: if anti aliasing is activated you will notice a drastic reduction of your framerate.
8  *
9  * Author: Randy Schuett (rswhite4@googlemail.com)
10  */
11 struct GLContextSettings {
12     /**
13      * The profile of the OpenGL Context
14      */
15     enum Profile : ubyte {
16         Default, /// profile depends on platform
17         Compatibility, /// OpenGL compatibility profile - deprecated functions are allowed (default)
18         Core, /// OpenGL core profile - deprecated functions are disabled
19         ES, /// OpenGL ES profile - only a subset of the base OpenGL functionality is available
20     }
22     /**
23      * The supported OpenGL Versions
24      */
25     enum Version : ubyte {
26         Default = 0,  /// 
27         GL21 = 21, ///
28         GL30 = 30, ///
29         GL31 = 31, ///
30         GL32 = 32, ///
31         GL33 = 33, ///
32         GL40 = 40, ///
33         GL41 = 41, ///
34         GL42 = 42, ///
35         GL43 = 43, ///
36         GL44 = 44, ///
37         GL45 = 45, ///
38     }
40     enum AntiAlias : ubyte {
41         None = 0,
42         X2 = 2,
43         X4 = 4,
44         X8 = 8,
45         X16 = 16
46     }
48     /**
49      * Anti aliasing level. Default is AntiAlias.None
50      * 
51      * Note: A too high value may crash your application at the beginning
52      *       because your driver does not support it.
53      */
54     AntiAlias antiAlias = AntiAlias.None;
55     /**
56      * The OpenGL Version. Default is Version.Default
57      */
58     Version vers = Version.Default;
59     /**
60      * The OpenGL Context profile. Default is Profile.Compatibility
61      */
62     Profile profile = Profile.Compatibility;
64     /**
65      * CTor
66      */
67     @nogc
68     this(AntiAlias antiAlias, Version vers = Version.Default, Profile profile = Profile.Compatibility) pure nothrow {
69         this.antiAlias = antiAlias;
70         this.vers = vers;
71         this.profile = profile;
72     }
73 }