Returns the coordinates as static array
Collapse this Rect. Means that the coordinates and the size is set to 0.
Checks whether this Rect contains the given coordinates.
Checks whether this Rect contains the given coordinates.
Returns the current position as Vector2
Returns the current size as Vector2
Returns an union of the given and this Rect.
Increase current size.
Checks whether this Rect intersects with an other. If, and the parameter 'overlap' isn't null, the colliding rectangle is stored there.
Checks if this Rect is collapsed, which means that the width and/or the height are <= 0. This is a pure and nothrow variant of isEmpty.
Checks if this Rect is empty (if it's collapsed) with SDL_RectEmpty.
Checks if all corners are zero.
Move the object.
Move the object.
Supported operations: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
Checks whether this Rect contains the given coordinates.
opCast to another Rect type.
opEquals: compares two rectangles on their coordinates and their size (but not explicit type).
The new coordinates <b>and</b> a new size.
Set a new position with coordinates.
Set a new position with a vector.
Replace current size.
Transfer the internal data to the SDL_Rect.
Use this function to calculate a minimal rectangle enclosing a set of points.
Rect defines a rectangle structure that contains the left upper corner and the width/height.