The specific window styles
The Window syncronisation mode. Default Syncronisation is <code>Sync.Enable</code>.
Capture the pixel data of the current window and returns a Surface with this pixel data. You can also alter the format of the pixel data. Default is <code>Texture.Format.BGRA</code>. This method is predestinated for screenshots.
Clears the buffer.
Close and destroy this window.
Make all changes visible on screen. If the framerate limit is not 0, it waits for (1000 / framerate limit) milliseconds.
Draw a drawable object on screen.
Draw a Renderer on the screen.
Fetch the current position if this window. The position is stored inside of the pointer. The pointer don't have to be null.
Returns the brightness (gamma correction) for the window where 0.0 is completely dark and 1.0 is normal brightness.
Returns the framerate limit for this window.
Returns the current position of the window.
Returns the Window Style.
Returns the current title of the window.
Returns the current syncronisation mode.
Returns the current VideoMode which hold the current width, the current height and the refresh rate. The first two can also be accessed with the 'width' and 'height' property.
Returns if the keyboard focus is on this window.
Returns if the mouse focus is on this window.
Returns, if this Window is in fullscreen mode.
Returns true, if input is grabbed.
Returns if the screen saver is currently enabled, or not.
Raise the window. The window has after this call focus.
Restore the window.
Set the brightness (gamma correction) for the window.
Set the color with which this windows clear his buffer. This is also the background color of the window.
Rvalue version
Set the color with which this windows clear his buffer. This is also the background color of the window.
Set the framerate limit for this window.
Use this function to (re)set Window's fullscreen states. style may be Style.Fullscreen for "real" fullscreen with a videomode change or Style.Desktop for "fake" fullscreen that takes the size of the desktop Set 0 for windowed mode.
When input is grabbed the mouse is confined to the window.
Set an icon for this window.
Set a new position to this window
Set a new position to this window
Enable or Disable the screen saver.
Set a new size to this window
Set a new title to this window
Set the Syncronisation mode of this window. Default Syncronisation is <code>Sync.Enable</code>.
Show or hide the window. true shows, false hides.
Toggle between Fullscreen and windowed mode, depending on the current state.
Every window has an unique Id. This method returns this Id.
Check if this window is still opened.
Returns how many windows exist
Window is a rendering window where all drawable objects are drawn.
Note that the default clear-color is <code>Color.White</code> and the default Sync is <code>Window.Sync.Enable</code>.