Value | Meaning |
QuadGL_QUADS | Declare that the stored vertices are Quads. |
QuadStripGL_QUAD_STRIP | Declare that the stored vertices are Quad Strips |
TriangleGL_TRIANGLES | Declare that the stored vertices are Triangles. |
TriangleStripGL_TRIANGLE_STRIP | Declare that the stored vertices are Triangles Strips |
TriangleFanGL_TRIANGLE_FAN | Declare that the stored vertices are Triangles Fans. |
LinesGL_LINES | Declare that the stored vertices are Lines. |
LineStripGL_LINE_STRIP | Declare that the stored vertices are Line Strips. |
LineLoopGL_LINE_LOOP | Declare that the stored vertices are Line Loops. |
PolygonGL_POLYGON | Declare that the stored vertices are Polygons. |
UnfilledLineLoop | Unfilled Type. It is identical to LineLoop. |
CircleTriangleFan | Circle Type. It is identical to TriangleFan. |
Supported shape types.