Alias for subTexture.
Load the image from filename.
Load the image from filename.
Save the (current) image into filename.
Supported Texture Format
Compression modes
Free / Delete the Texture & Memory After this call, the Pixel data is invalid.
Returns the currently bound texture id.
Returns the Texture Id.
Returns if the texture is used.
Returns the width of this Texture
Returns the height of this Texture.
Returns the depth. May often 24 or 32.
Returns the Format.
Binds this Texture. Means this Texture is now activated.
Binds this Texture. Means this Texture is now deactivated.
Returns true, if this Texture is currently activated.
Set smooth filter for the (next) load.
Returns if smooth filter are activated.
Set repeating for the (next) load.
Returns if repeating is enabled.
(Re)Set the compression mode.
Returns the current Compression mode.
Checks whether the current Texture is compressed or not.
Load from memory.
Set a colorkey.
Rvalue version
Returns the pixel of this Texture or null if this Texture isn't valid. If memory is not null and has the same width and height as the Texture, it is used to store the pixel data. Otherwise it <b>allocates</b> GC memory.
Rvalue version
Returns a subTexture of this Texture.
Copy another Texture to this. The second parameter is a pointer to the destination rect. Is it is null this means the whole tex is copied.
Update the pixel data of this Texture. The second parameter is a pointer to the area which is updated. If it is null (default) the whole Texture will be updated. The third parameter is the format of the pixels.
Image is the class for loading and manipulating images. It extends Texture of the feature to load images by filename and save the (current) image into a file.