Use this function to adapt the format of another Surface to this surface. Works like <code>SDL_DisplayFormat</code>.
Use this function to adapt the format of another Surface to this surface. Works like <code>SLD_DisplayFormat</code>.
Use this function to perform a fast blit from the source surface to the this surface. src is the a pointer to a Rect structure which represents the rectangle to be copied, or null to copy the entire surface. dst is a pointer to a Rect structure which represents the rectangle that is copied into. null means, that the whole srfc is copied to (0|0).
Same as above, but with a SDL_Surface* instead of a Surface.
Use this function to perform a fast, low quality, stretch blit between two surfaces of the same pixel format. src is the a pointer to a Rect structure which represents the rectangle to be copied, or null to copy the entire surface. dst is a pointer to a Rect structure which represents the rectangle that is copied into. null means, that the whole srfc is copied to (0|0).
Same as above, but with a SDL_Surface* instead of a Surface.
Fills a specific area of the surface with the given color. The second parameter is a pointer to the area. If it's null, the whole Surface is filled.
Rvalue version
Fills multiple areas of the Surface with the given color.
Rvalue version
Returns an new flipped Surface The current Surface is not modified.
Destroy the current Surface <b>and all</b>, which are linked to this Surface</b>.
Returns the current Alpha mod.
Returns the current Blendmode.
Returns the clip rect of this surface. The clip rect is the area of the surface which is drawn.
Returns the color on the given position.
Returns the color on the given position.
Returns the current colorkey.
Returns the pixel at the given coordinates.
Returns the pixel at the given coordinates.
Returns whether this Surface is locked or not.
Returns if the given color match the color of the given mask of the surface.
Rvalue version
Returns if the given converted color match the color of the given mask of the surface.
Returns if the Surface is valid. Which means that the Surface has valid data.
Load from filename. If any data is already stored, the data will be freed.
Load from memory.
Use this function to set up a surface for directly accessing the pixels.
Use this function to perform low-level surface blitting only.
Same as above, but with a SDL_Surface* instead of a Surface.
Use this function to determine whether a surface must be locked for access.
Use this function to set the RLE acceleration hint for a surface. RLE (Run-Length-Encoding) is a way of compressing data. If RLE is enabled, color key and alpha blending blits are much faster, but the surface must be locked before directly accessing the pixels.
Put a new pixel at the given coordinates.
Put a new pixel at the given coordinates.
Save the current pixel data to the file.
Set the Alpha mod.
Set the Blendmode.
Set the clip rect.
Rvalue version
Set the colorkey.
Rvalue version
Set the colorkey.
Set the colorkey.
Returns a subsurface from this surface. rect represents the viewport. The subsurface is a separate Surface object.
Rvalue version
Use this function to release a surface after directly accessing the pixels.
Returns the current use count
Default Blue Mask.
Default Green Mask.
Default Red Mask.
Count the bits of this surface. Could be 32, 24, 16, 8, 0.
Count the bytes of this surface. Could be 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. (countBits / 8)
Returns the current filename, if any
Returns the height.
Returns the Surface pitch or 0.
Returns the PixelFormat
Returns the pixel data of this surface.
Returns a pointer to the SDL_Surface
Returns the width.
Surface is a wrapper for a SDL_Surface.