The Grid
Execute the animation N times where N is the number of the current loop count. If N is < 0, the animation runs infinite.
Fetch the current Texture Rect, so that you can modify it, if you want to.
Returns the current Clip Rect
Set the current loop count. This specif how often the whole Animation is played. A value of < 0 means: infinite playing.
Set a Texture Rect. This indicates which area of the Texture is drawn.
Rvalue version
Set the current tick offset. This is the offset between each animation / slide. Default is 0.
Slide/move the current Viewport of the Texture. So the next area of the Texture atlas will be drawn. With grid you can decide if both, x and y, or only one of them are updated. Default both are updated.
Set or get the current row. This only matters, if you slide without Grid.Column.
Calculate, store and return the center point. Usefull for e.g. rotate.
Check whether the bounding box of this Sprite collide with the bounding box of another Sprite
Check whether the bounding box of this Sprite collide with the given Rect
Rvalue version
Returns the current Clip Rect, the area, where the Sprite lies with the same size as the Sprite.
Set (or reset) the current Blend instance.
Returns the current Blend instance, or null.
Returns the current width (the width of the current texture).
Returns the current height (the height of the current texture).
Check if the current Sprite has already a Texture/Image. If not, nothing can be drawn. But it does not check if the current Texture is valid.
Set or replace the current Texture.
Returns the current Texture or null if there is none.
SpriteSheet extends Sprite and has, besides the texture, even a viewport and acts as a Texture Atlas. With slideViewport the viewport slides over the current row of the texture atlas. With setRow the current row can be changed (increased, decreased).